Who am I?
Entrepreneur. Eclectic. Creative. Mother. Nature Lover. Hopeaholic. Wife. Traveler. Artist. Human.
Let me tell you a story about a girl.
She would often day dream. Stare at nothing and everything.
Patterns in unexpected places would catch her eye.
She prefers to be bare foot and touch the earth.
Get dirty.
She wants to make art, be art and play.
But there are other things she was asked to do that were more practical and more important.
So she got busy doing what she was asked to do. Make friends. Get good grades. Make Money.
Fit right in.
She did all those things well.
Well, well enough.
Don’t mind me. I’m just here should you need me.
Can I make you more comfortable?
Blended in.
Then one day she had children of her own.
Something shifted.
Something mattered more.
They were like magic fairy dust.
She got curious.
She went looking for what could possibly be missing from her beautiful life…
She began to notice beauty everywhere
The patterns. The light.
They were leading the way.
She got down on the dirty floor with her boys.
New growth was everywhere.
She lost herself for a while and is beginning her journey back.
To art. To play. To herself. With her kids.
Did they see magic too?
We could learn to fit in and play. (This photograph was planned and shot by my 6 year old son)
Do not fear, she did not forget the skills she learned in her years.
Now she applies that to her art and play as one.
Who will relate?
Someone who values the art, family and the unknown.
We can create a beautiful story together.
Someone who wants to take time for themselves and hold treasured memories from the ordinary to the bizarre. Not judgement. I understand the need to create. Make.
You can do something just for the joy of it, but people tend to forget to pencil that piece into the calendar.
What do you create
When words fail me, and they often lack of the expressional impact I hope for, I use a different form of communication to share.
There is value in people applying their own meaning to a piece of art. They see what they need to see and get what they need from it.
You won’t know if the shoe fits until you try it on.
Why am I here?
I get the feeling I’m supposed to show up as my full self to give back to this world. It may be as simple as raising two amazing children. It maybe bigger. I am open to what comes and add value whenever given the opportunity.
You are beautiful.
Thank you boys. I love you.